Monday, October 6, 2014

Yoga: Unlock your mind

Before my college life at Western New England University, I thought yoga was just a form exercise mostly done by girls to stay active or to just look good.  Boy was I wrong!  On day one of ethics class, my mind opened up theories, ideas and experiences I didn't even think possible.  By reading the Yoga Sutras, I discovered that yoga was so much more than just exercise and stretching.  Yoga is about unification of the mind, body and soul to create harmony within yourself.  It is used to rid your mind of anxiety so that you can go about your life with a positive manner and to achieve your self fulfilling prophecy.
Aside from this, yoga is used to unite your mind and body with the physical word in order to create a sense of harmony that does not come easily to many.

One powerful element that yoga provides is peace of mind.  Whenever I participate in a yoga session I forget all of my troubles and I immediately feel a sense of peace and unification within myself. It's almost as if a sense of euphoria washes over me.  The highest level of achievement in yoga is known as samadhi.  By achieving this state, you have created inner peace within yourself and the outside world.  This obviously takes years of practice and dedicated efforts but it can be accomplished.  You can then live in peace as you have united your mind, body and soul.  Many people struggle with the conflict of their inner self because they are so busy with work, family and other daily obstacle.  People lack the time to just sit in a quiet place and meditate in order to clear your mind and be at peace with yourself.  Another aspect of life that many people struggle with are the mental attachment to physical objects such as our phones, laptops and televisions.  Yoga allows you to clear your mind and rid of these attachments.  We can successfully lift these limitations in our lives by doing yoga which allows us to live a more happy, carefree life.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing such wonderful and interesting article about how to unlock your mind.
