Monday, March 4, 2013

The Calming Power of Sun Salutations

           One of our yoga challenges included completing two sun salutations every day for one week.  On the first day that I started this challenge I noticed that the yoga exercises calmed me and made me feel less stressed.  On day two, I completed the sun salutations in the evening before I went to sleep.  I found it to be a calming way to end the day. Some of my muscles were also sore.  On day three, I chose to complete the sun salutations in the morning.  I found it relaxed me, put me in a good mood and gave me some energy for the rest of the day.  On day four I chose to do the sun salutations at night.  I found this gave me time to reflect on my day.  I missed the challenge on day 5 and did not complete the challenge exercises.  I did however realize that yoga helped me sleep better when I did the sun salutations in the evening.  On the last day of my challenge (day 6), I did the exercises in the evening.  It gave me a chance to unwind and focus on my breathing and thoughts after a long stressful day.
           Overall, I enjoyed practicing yoga in class as well as in my week long challenge.  I found the breathing exercises to be beneficial in relaxing me.  I feel that I will continue to use the breathing techniques that we were taught in my every day life to help calm me. I also, really enjoyed the sun salutations and twists that I practiced.  I found that the twists relieved tension in my back and reduced stress.  I want to continue to practice yoga in the future.  I will try to use yoga as my stretches before I work out.  This way,  I can incorporate sun salutations and twists into my every day routine.

1 comment:

  1. I agree. I practice them in the am, the pm, and before and after I work out. They are such comprehensive stretches that I am nearly never sore after a work out, and the calming sensation helps me to enjoy the benefits of my exercise more, too.
