Thursday, November 21, 2013

Don't Regret, Just Live.

Everyone has different outlooks on a meaningful life, and how each individual person behaves is a direct result on what they believe that meaning is. Some people believe that to have a life full of meaning they must never hurt anyone, help others, and never be too selfish. Some people don't have any regard for others and act solely for themselves, and some people just live their lives day to day without a second thought in the world. What it all boils down to is whether or not YOU believe your life has meaning, it is a personal decision and no one can tell you your life does or does not have meaning, except for yourself. 

I personally consider a "good life" to be one filled with friends and family that care about you as much as you care for them. A good life is a life full of company and meaningful relationships, a life where you are not alone. Also, one must be willing to go out of their way to help others, and not only the people they know but just people in general. One cannot have a good life if all they care about is themselves, one must be able to appreciate and enjoy the feeling of random acts of kindness. At only 21 years old I sadly have yet to do anything truly monumental to give my life real meaning, but I hope as I age and grow I find something that I can use both as my career while also helping people in the process. But for now I stick to volunteering at a soup kitchen once or twice a year, trying to help anyone I can when I can, and being their for my friends and family whenever they need me. 

When I graduate college I will be going off to basic training for the United States Army, it is something I have always knew I had to do and now I will finally get the chance. This is where I believe I will find the most meaning for my life, I will be able to give my life some real meaning by protecting my country, seeing the world, and serving my nation. 

I have two basic principles that I abide my life to and they are very simple. One, I try to live my life with no regrets, never second guessing something that has already happened, and never living in the past. Living life without regret leaves a life empty of stress and anxiety. The second principle is to never take life for granted, never forget how truly blessed we are to be on this planet. Sometimes people forget how lucky they are to be alive and healthy, that is a mistake.

A Utilitarian outlook on life is what I believe to be the best outlook. “…one should only benefit oneself only if those acts benefit the whole of conscious life.” (Salazar 1393) One where everyone are equal parts in a big machine and where all people work together for a common good. A life where everyone is happy is a good life. If everyone is acting accordingly to this method, then people will make life decisions regarding others and how others will be affected. This way of life influences caring of one another, and promotes relationships and love. 

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