Thursday, December 4, 2014

Christian Ethics: Protestantism

"Entrance into the kingdom comes through repentance and faith." 

Through studying central themes in Christian ethics, I was able to better
understand and interpret the origins of my own religion.
The basis for Christian ethics support that the good life is not the quest for happiness but the pursuit of God's kingdom. Other components of the Christian faith include salvation through divine grace, devotion and obedience to God, a pure heart, treating others like family and God as the father, acting selflessly and generously, and maintaining a focus on the future.
Martin Luther/The Reformation

The traditional fundamental principles of Protestantism include the scripture alone, justification by faith alone, and the universal priesthood of all
believers. Protestant values clearly are built on the foundations of Christianity.

It was the Protestant Reformation however, in which Protestants examined what they believed to be errors within the Roman Catholic Church and eventually established a separate division of Christendom. Differences in interpretation or opinion of the Bible on which Christianity is based, split this western religion into the separate denominations we acknowledge today.
Despite the three major divisions of Christianity (Catholicism, Eastern Orthodoxy, and Protestantism), all are united under the same general beliefs of the Christian faith.

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