Thursday, December 11, 2014

Family Traditions

Thanksgiving is a holiday that is surrounded by family traditions in the United States. It is a holiday in the fall were families come together and give thanks for what they have. 

Thanksgiving is believed to be traced back to a Pilgrim celebration in Plymouth, Massachusetts in the 1620's to celebrate and give thanks for a bountiful harvest. Some traditional foods associated with Thanksgiving dinner include a full cooked turkey, cranberries, and vegetables like carrots and turnips.

Every family has their own unique traditions that make this holiday a memorable one. This was made clear in class when we all discussed our own personal traditions. Each person had unique family traditions that made Thanksgiving special to them. My family has roots in Plymouth so we have a very traditional dinner with the same types of food served every year, similar to the ones typically associated with Thanksgiving.
These types of family traditions can be related to the deep rooted beliefs of the importance of family and tradition in Native American culture. Native Americans consider their whole tribe to be one big family even if they aren't related by blood. They also value tradition and even now in modern days they still perform traditional rituals that they have done for hundreds of years.

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