Monday, December 2, 2013

Impermanence in Everyday Life

It is easy to see that in our everyday lives nothing is permanent. There is no such thing as an everlasting summer, a forever romance, or a life circumstance that seemingly could last till the day that you die. Impermanence is everywhere. It isn’t just a way to look at the things, circumstances, people, and ideas that surround it, but it is a way of living that helps us get more in touch with reality and to help us appreciate these things much more. According to Thich Nhat Hahn, “things change because causes and conditions change” (132). This is not something to be afraid of. Impermanence is something to accept and recognize. Through accepting and recognizing impermanence, you can cherish things in the moment and enjoy life more, not suffer as much, and live more mindfully.

                It seems like every time I see my nieces and nephews they grow another six to eight inches. I remember each of them as tiny infants that I was able to pick up and cart around on my hip. Now, each of them has grown up to be toddlers with no desire to be picked up by their parents, let alone me. I don’t even think I could carry them if I tried! Without impermanence, I wouldn’t be able to handle watching them grow and I would probably get really upset seeing them all get so big. Accepting that everything is temporary has allowed me to watch my nieces and nephews grow up. Parents often say that they wish they could go back to the infant days so they could cherish those early moments all over again. Accepting impermanence allows parents to truly enjoy watching their children grow up to be strong adults.

                Feelings of anger and sadness are an example of why impermanence is a good thing. When you are angry at someone for wronging you in any way, or sad because things you hoped would work out didn't, eventually you will feel better and get over your feeling of anger or sadness (or often both). Getting over things easy is not “lacking feelings,” it is recognizing that some things can’t be controlled and that some things are just out of your control. Impermanence help us in this case by helping us see that you can’t change the past and living in the moment will help us live life with more enjoyment and less suffering. So while you are sad in the moment, remember that you are wasting precious moments by living in the past or the future. Embrace impermanence and you will live a life that is more enjoyable and more mindful. 

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