Sunday, February 10, 2013

Chain reaction

Success, happiness, peace of mind, integrity and being moral. 
All of these things can be connected to one another. Success could determine your happiness and peace of mind due to less financial stressors and having more material things. But this really depends on the person. Many "successful" people aren't happy and become more stressed because of work. They tend to overlook the little things that make people happy and begin to only care about the money. Success might not always coincide with being moral. Getting yourself to the top of the ladder may involve pushing a few people off on the way up.

Happiness and peace of mind would coincide nicely. When you have a peace of mind, it allows room for happiness. But what brings peace of mind? Maybe being moral? That would let your conscience to rest. Doing something good results in feeling good. This could be a chain reaction.  Maybe it starts with integrity, being moral, then goes to peace of mind, then happiness,then lastly success. But doesn't this all rely on what your definitions are? What if your definition of success is a family? or money? or being happy? Maybe the chain reaction or cycle is different for everyone.
I feel as though I am on my slow
way to success. But how do I define success? Maybe having money to live comfortably? Finding a job I love? Making a family of my own? And just being happy. I don't have peace of mind when it comes to graduating and my career. Happiness, I have but it could be better. Peace of mind, I have about most things. Integrity, yea. Morality, check, but I could improve. I have a little bit of everything, but I think it all needs a little work. I just need to focus more on my priorities and try hard to make my life into what I want it to be.

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