Wednesday, May 1, 2013

The Meaning of PH 290-40 :)

This ethics class was very fun and was one of the only, late night, once a week classes that I actually wanted to go to. Everyone in the class was really nice and I feel we all have had a great time talking, telling, stories and joking around. I know that I thoroughly enjoyed this class and everything including the Yoga and meditation practices were really exciting and taught me a lot. 

This class to me was very important because I was able to learn about many different cultures and peoples around the world. It opened my eyes to things that I most likely never would have studied and that I have never known about.  

Two different things that I learned the most about and enjoyed the most about learning, in this class, is for Yoga and the Indian units.  I enjoyed the Yoga unit, mostly the exercises, because I had always thought of Yoga as being a "joke" and easy. After learning about it though and actually trying Yoga I learned that it was a lot harder then I thought and I went home really feeling the workout. I also enjoyed the Indian unit because I haven’t really studied Indians since I was in elementary school so it was very fun to get a more in depth look at what their culture is really like and how it has changed. 

This class was really fun and enjoyed it very much!

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