Thursday, April 4, 2013

Are Yogic Ethic and Taoism Similar?

Yogic ethic is involved with the “union with nature but now wanting yoga with God” (42). Yogic people believe that the union with God is one of the most important aspects of their beliefs, making it crucial for life. I also believe that believing in a God helps give purpose to a person’s life and can be very beneficial to life. Yoga also includes the use of “OM” and the way God is relevant. The idea is that the vibrations move throughout the body creating the way God’s energy moves throughout the body, but also throughout the world. Non-attachment is another aspect of their beliefs that are very strong. Yogic ethic believes that non-attachment should not be in anyone’s life because “should not go and grasp what it wants” (23). The mind is also very important to understanding, moving through concepts and relating objects, and we could not live without it. I think that part of being a human is being attached to things, some of which are bad- this is normal. 

Taoism, on the other hand, is “the way,” and is necessary because it “teaches us how to live a long life resulting from regarding the self the right way” (72). Taoism explains what a person needs to live a correct life, and ways to gain energy. Energy is such an important aspect and proposes works that are good and generous; “the kingdom of God is the ultimate achievement,” acknowledging that there is a God (123). I can see this belief as valuable because energy is needed for people to generate ideas and actions to help others. Demands for opposites and other objects in the world is also a huge aspect of the Taoist beliefs. It is stated that “opposites are purely natural opposites with no value distinction as to which is superior” (57). There is no difference between good and bad, but accepting and saving all. Taoists believe that it is not their place to judge others. Another main aspect of their beliefs includes “knowledge is the reason we commit wanton deeds” (96). This is in reference to the knowledge gearing opinions and objections, which we do not need in the world of peace, which I 
believe is completely impossible.  

Together, both Yoga and Taoism include effortful paths and peace through meditation and insight. Yoga ethic has the seven fold and the limbs of yoga, while Taoists journey through the four stages of knowing. These obstacles lead to Samadhi and joyfulness of no recognition through Taoism. Lastly, both practices believe that they should practice and meditate to become one with the world and more aware of equal surroundings. Yoga is more step-by-step, whereas Taichi is more involves a more circular practice. 

Alissa Doiron

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