Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Liberation From Your Emptiness

            I want to enter the first of the three doors of liberation found in Buddhism-
emptiness. We all feel empty and alone at times, and this feeling makes us suffer, even though we are never truly empty. We need to look deeper into ourselves to see that everything in this world is impermanent and that means everything is also empty. Since nothing will last forever, its elements that are all separate and independent will stay that way, which means all objects are empty. “Everyone we cherish will, someday, get sick and die. If we do not practice the meditation on emptiness, when it happens, we will be overwhelmed.” (pg. 148) Without meditating on emptiness, people will suffer a lot when someone they love dies or when anything tragic happens in their life. But in seeing that happen, we see that we are not truly empty. Everything is intertwined and affects one-another. “In Vietnam, we say that if one horse is sick, all the horses in the stable will refuse to eat. Our happiness and suffering are the happiness and suffering of others.” (pg. 147)  We all affect each other whether in small or big ways, which is what intertwines all of us. We can never be truly empty because of this fact. Something or someone will always be affecting you, so even if you believe you are empty, you are not. Meditating on this idea can reveal so many things in life unnoticed to the masses. Nobody is ever alone because something or someone is always affecting them and that thought is a difficult one to believe without deep meditation and the desire to open this door of liberation.
            This concept can easily be related to my life because I have always felt alone and empty. I am a very introverted person with very few friends. In my past experiences in middle school and high school I would always feel alone and empty every day when I got home. There was nobody around to talk to or be with, which brought about suffering. I felt like there was nothing in this world and I was alone. Only now do I realize that I was
The feeling of emptiness
never alone. I had so much around me. I just needed to open my eyes to the true nature of inter-being. I had my bed to enjoy laying down in, video games to have fun and enjoy, social networking sites to talk to people, and many other things that I just took for granted and never thought of their impact upon me. Another way that the feeling of emptiness hit me hard was when one of my family members died. I was not prepared for them to go. Once they were gone though, the feelings hit really hard and really fast. I would never be able to have any new experiences with them. I would never be able to talk to them again or laugh with them or anything. I felt so empty inside knowing I could never be with them again. After that experience though, I realized how fragile life can be and to try to enjoy it as much as we can while we live. Don’t let your emptiness consume you otherwise you will die a sad and lonely person. You need to realize that everything is impermanent and will go away one day, but enjoy it while it is here. Live life to the fullest, without too much emptiness in it. Without this current realization, my life would still feel empty and I would definitely continue to suffer in those feelings, but meditation into the subject has made me a much happier person.

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