Thursday, December 12, 2013

Meditation, The Key to Success

In the Heart of the Buddha's Teachings, we are presented two aspects of meditation such as stopping, calming and looking deeply. According to the teachings, meditation is the work of mindless and meaningful thinking and relaxation. The word mindless means to do something without much thought or plan. Meaningful means to made it worth something to us. By incorperating this kind of meditation into our lives we are able to get rid of bad energy and thoughts and receieve insight of many things in life.

In my life, I have come across many stressful situations where it has been very beneficial for me to stop what I was doing at that moment, and take a few minutes to just sit and breath. No thinking, no talking, but breathing and doing mindless thinking. When I started to incorperate this meditation into my life I was able to decrease my stress, and think more less about the problems I was having in life and just focus on things one at a time. The less stress, the less suffering is a very powerful thing accoring to Buddah.

This concept of looking deeply in a lot of ways is similar to meaningful thinking. Looking deeply is focusing on one aspect of your life in every detailed way, and only keeping focus on that one thing. I have been able to use this concept of looking deeply when im trying to solve a problem and am looking for the best way to go about things. I am able to sit and look at the positives and negatives of every situation and come to a decision on what path to take to complete a certain task. Looking deeply provides me with an indepth way to go about things in my life and has made me made better decisions.

What I have learned about meditation through out our readings, classes and discussions is that you can use meditation in many ways and you can apply it to many situations in your life. When people think of meditation, some think about the sterotypical, sitting under a tree and not moving for hours. But in reality, meditation can work for anyone, and you can implement it anywhere. Sometimes I find myself meditating in my car before going about a hard or stressfull situtaion. In a lot of ways it just helps me focus and keep a positive out look on my life. I feel 5 minutes of mediataion a day will change someones life and can lead everyone to happiness and success.

Nhá̂t, Hạnh. The Heart of the Buddha's Teaching: Transforming Suffering into Peace, Joy & Liberation : The Four Noble Truths, the Noble Eightfold Path, and Other Basic Buddhist Teachings. New York: Broadway, 1999. Print.

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