Tuesday, December 3, 2013

The Transformation

“We can say that the man who saved him was the Sambhogakaya Buddha. Buddha and God appear in many forms. The Buddha is not only in the cloud. He is in our hearts, and in the hearts of many others.” Everyday my faith is being tested. Being tested to see how strong it is; how undoubtfully strong I believe. Curve balls get thrown at me and at times I feel like my whole life is just one big obstacle course with an audience betting on me to mess up. But it is through these curve balls and obstacles that my weaknesses are made strong. And none of that would be possible if it weren’t for the constant transformation of God in my life.
At home, I help out at the local food pantry, where I see God appear in many different forms.
I can see God in each one of the people that walk through the doors; the pain and the suffering in their eyes. Where I saw God the most was in the man who first started the food pantry, Hank. When I first started volunteering at the food pantry and when I first met Hank, I always figured Hank needed me; the food pantry needed me. Unfortunately, it wasn’t until I fully accepted Hank into my life that God took him right out of my life. And through his passing I realized that I was actually the one who needed Hank and out of all those suffering people I was actually the one that needed the food pantry.
“Every time we touch something beautiful, in harmony and peace, we touch the Sambhogakaya Buddha.” When we are happy, we can make the people around us happy too. Every person has the ability to bring joy to others and aid in relieving their suffering. This is what I witnessed Hank do on a daily basis with each person he came into contact with. He brought such a joy to the world and even now as he looks over me I can still feel his joyness radiating over me and radiating over everyone. I was able to see God through Hank and the amazing things Hank did. I truly believe that Hank was one formation of God in my life and because of that I will forever be blessed to have had him in my life. 
I can see God everywhere just like people who believe in Buddhism see Buddha everywhere. I can see Him working in my life; easing my life of its suffering and because of that I have the inspiration to go out and bring joy to the people around me and help ease their suffering as well. And it is the Sambhogakaya Buddha that makes all of this possible through his different transformations. 

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